Happy New Year!
January 1, 2003
You like that last one? It's the reason the website hasn't been updated as of late. I've been neck-deep in a political battle at my place of employment. First, I am a lover - not a fighter, by nature. Second, anything that has to do with politics makes me want to throw up. So, you can imagine what life has been like for me this past month. In fact, I have had a cold since December 2nd and am now starting to feel normal again. If there is anything that I wish 2003 to bring, it's peace - and lots of it. Oh, and maybe a new job working with people that appreciate my abilities and talent.
I'm not leaving MSC - at least not yet. I will keep you posted on what develops.
In light of what
has occurred over the past few weeks, I felt that a theme song was in
order. The song has played in my CD player on repeat for a while
now. Christine Stone gave me the CD. Lou converted it to an mp3 file
so I could share it with you. It gives me the inspiration to move past all
the negative energy and look forward toward future opportunities. I'm
hoping the song will inspire you as well. If not, it will at the very
least help you to see where I am. What am I doing there? Beatin' on
the drums, baby! Beatin' on the drums....
Pique's 2003 Theme Song
All Fired Up Pat Benatar (circa 1988) Livin' with my eyes closed, goin' day to day I never knew the difference, I never cared either way Lookin' for a reason, searchin' for a sign Reachin' out with both hands, I gotta feel the kick inside Ain't nobody livin', in a perfect world Everybody's out there, cryin' to be heard Now I got a new fire, burnin' in my eyes Lightin' up the darkness, movin' like a meteorite Now I believe there comes a time When everything just falls in line We live an' learn from our mistakes The deepest cuts are healed by faith All fired up, fired up, fired up |
Best wishes to you in 2003! Until next time... adieu.